Empowering people living with memory loss, their carers, family and friends

Think of Memory Machine as the ultimate in Memory or Alzheimer's Clocks. Designed to help with the key challenges of memory loss Memory Machine can help with forgetfulness, loosing things,  repeating and isolation. Memory Machine is born out of the desire to give control, connection, and reassurance. Not only to the people living with memory loss but also to their carers, family, and friends.

Reliably and easily communicate
Set reminders
Check tasks have been done
Stop repeat calling
Find lost things

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When the founder of Memory Machine Matt Harris’s dad stopped being able to read his watch they both realised they were in for a long and difficult journey.

Dementia is a disease that can rob people of their dignity and Matt was at a loss on how he could help.  That is when he had an idea: Alzheimer’s clocks should be able to do so much more. He created a tool almost as simple to use as a clock that can reliably and easily communicate, remind, check tasks have been done, stop repeat calling, and find lost things.

Memory Machine was born out of the desire to give control, connection, and reassurance. Not only to the people living with memory loss but also to their carers, family, and friends. 

While Matt couldn’t bring MemoryMachine to life in time to help his dad, he has created a tool that is affordable, accessible, and simple to use. Testing has now shown it is useful for people with all sorts of memory loss from normal age related memory loss to many forms of dementia, acquired brain injuries, and Parkinson's to name a few. It promises to be a game changer for thousands of families around the world.

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Making moments with Mum

Mother of two, 55-year-old, Jacqui Oborn was the primary carer for her mother with Alzheimer’s and said although the experience was challenging, she is grateful for the extra moments they got to share as a family.

“It was not easy caring for Mum....

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Navigating the key frustrations of memory loss

At the beginning stages of memory loss, recognising symptoms of memory loss may cause feelings of awkwardness or shame, which may drive people experiencing memory loss to mask what they’re really thinking and feeling to preserve their dignity. Those in this situation may find it difficult to tell loved ones what they’re struggling

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Making moments with Mum

Mother of two, 55-year-old, Jacqui Oborn was the primary carer for her mother with Alzheimer’s and said although the experience was challenging, she is grateful for the extra moments they got to share as a family.

“It was not easy caring for Mum....

Arrow up right icon
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Navigating the key frustrations of memory loss

At the beginning stages of memory loss, recognising symptoms of memory loss may cause feelings of awkwardness or shame, which may drive people experiencing memory loss to mask what they’re really thinking and feeling to preserve their dignity. Those in this situation may find it difficult to tell loved ones what they’re struggling

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The Memory Machine Ecosystem


Stay connected no matter how close or far away

People living with memory loss, their carers, family and friends can connect through audio calls, video calls and messages. Meaning no matter how close or far away you live from your loved one, you can remain connected.

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Today's scheduled dashboard image
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Collaborate, be reassured and share the caring load

People living with memory loss can set their own schedule or carers family and friends can set up reminders and events for them using any mobile device.

Set up reminders and receive notifications when important tasks have been completed. Set up movement alarms for important tasks like medications and the fridge door so that you can remotely monitor.

Assign responsibilities across the care team and share the load.

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Locate missing items

Track important items through tracking tags that have been integrated into the platform. Help find missing items with ease.

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Keep updated with our progress

Be updated with new features, launch offers and news
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