The Story

When Matts dad stopped being able to read the anolog watch he had worn for decade’s they both realised it was the start of a long and difficult journey.

Alzheimer’s is a disease that can rob people of their dignity and Matt was at a loss on how he could help.That is when he had the idea: Alzheimer’s clocks are available but limited and should be able to do so much more.

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The motivation to help

Memory Machine was born out of the desire to give control, connection, and reassurance. Not only to the people living with memory loss but also to their carers, family, and friends.

While Matt couldn’t bring Memory Machine to life to in time to help his dad, he has created a tool that is affordable, accessible, and simple to use. It promises to be a game changer for thousands of families around the world.

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Control, Connection, & Reassurance

Create a world where memory-impaired people feel more in control, happier and connected, and their families have the knowledge and tools to support them.


Affordable & Accessible

A platform that provides people living with memory loss and their support system with an affordable and accessible way to increase autonomy, safety and security, resulting in a better quality of life for all


The Directors

Matthew Harris

BA(Hons) MDip

Founder of Memory Machine, Matthew brings a wealth of knowledge both from his personal experience of Alzhiemer’s and his career in SME’s with with a particular skill in brand building.

Dr Anthony Barker

Plastic Surgeon MBBS MS FRACS Senior Clinical Lecturer Macquarie University MQ Health | Integrated Specialist Health Centre

Anthony brings a broad medical knowledge and a sharp insight into the medical world.

Troy Reid


Troy is our chief technical advisor with a rich history in Board Management and an uncanny skill set for building technologies to support SME’s.

Ryan Gower

Ryan brings his extensive on hand knowledge of operations, systems and people. A natural leader, Ryan joined Cherub Baby in 2014 with skills that enable control of its rapid growth.

The Advisors

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James Cross

A career entrepreneur James brings valuable real world experience with particular experience in product development and sourcing. His company Cherub Baby has been providing young parents in Australia and China with innovative baby products for 14 years.

The Product Team

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Launchpad App Development

Launchpad is Australia’s leading app developer, building world-class digital products and businesses.

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